

How to Build an Email List from Scratch

How to Build an Email List from Scratch

Are you ready to find out what to do and what’s needed so that you can start building your email list?

Even if you are starting from 0 this process will help you build a community of people that are interested in you, your business, and what you have to offer.

If you prefer to watch, check out this 9-minute video instead. 


One of the most valuable assets that you can have in your coaching business is an email list. This is an asset that you’ll want to continuously put in effort to grow throughout the course of your business. Here’s why…

You want to own your audience. I’ll explain.

Your favorite social media platform could easily close the doors at any time without warning and without your vote.

I would hope that this doesn’t happen anytime soon or in the near future, but the 2021 Facebook outage reminded us all that we were not in control.

It wasn’t only Facebook that went down, but also the popular divisions of the company, such as Messenger, Instagram, and WhatsApp. It didn’t matter how many times you hit the refresh button, there was no access to any of those sites and this lasted for almost 6 hours!

While that may not seem like a ton of time, it stopped many small businesses in their tracks.

Believe it or not, there are many businesses who have depended strictly on social media to run their business, so what happens when they no longer have access to connect with their audience to make sales?

The answer is… They don’t. They don’t make sales.

It’s not a great way to run a business, and for those of you who have allowed social media to control your business, let’s vow to not ever let that happen again.

Don’t get me wrong. It’s great to use social media to reach our audience, but we have to start using it as the resource that it actually is that helps us with our visibility to get in front of our audience.

Once you’re directly in front of your audience, leverage that engagement to send people to your own database that you DO have complete control over.

From there, begin sharing more, connecting and establishing yourself as a credible expert in your field so that they want more and buy more.

The goal here is not to put all of your eggs in one basket, but to fill YOUR basket with many eggs.

Make sense?

In this post, I’ll share with you 5-steps you can use to start building your email list using social media as the resource to fill your basket:

1.  Create Compelling Content with a Clear Call to Action (CTA)

Keep in mind, all content that you create and use for social media is for your audience and should always be centered around topic ideas that will appeal to that ideal audience. This content should also be relatable to what you’re offering.

For example, in my business I support other coaches with marketing strategies to grow their coaching business, so it wouldn’t really make sense for me to create content around beauty tips.

The point here is to attract the right audience, not push them away or have them confused about what your business is about.

2.  Create a Landing Page to Collect Subscribers

Once you have your compelling content with an action oriented CTA, your audience will need a place to go to sign up for your offer. This page will let them add their name and email address to receive your offer.

On this page, you’ll want to describe what that offer is and why they should provide you with their email address to receive it. It takes a little convincing because we’re all a little apprehensive about giving away information that allows others to have access to us, but when you offer someone something that is going to help them that apprehension will no longer exist.

My magic formula for creating content for landing pages, sales pages, and other action-oriented content is a little secret that we all learned back in middle school and high school that I’ve always remembered because it’s been so good to me.

Now, do you remember the 5 W’s and the H principle?

This principle is one of the best practices to follow because it summarizes everything a reader wants to know as they read or skim through content.

This principle includes: who, what, when, where, why and how

•  Who is your offer for?
•  What will it help them to achieve?
•  When will they need it?
•  Where can they get it?
•  Why do they need it now?
•  How can they apply this to get a transformation or a solution to their problem?

If you aren’t able to identify these questions for your ideal audience, chances are they won’t know it’s for them either.

Are you finding this content helpful? 

If you want to learn more about how to put this 5-step process into practice, sign-up below to download my free guide and checklist to help you create your sales funnel to grow your email list.

 3.  Use an Email Service Provider (ESP)

The purpose of the ESP is that it helps you to manage multiple subscriber lists and evaluate the success and metrics of your email marketing campaigns.

There are many ESP companies that support small businesses, so it’s best to select one that can grow with your business.

My top ESP to use for my business and one that I recommend to other coaches is Convertkit*.

Convertkit works for new coaching businesses as well as existing businesses that sell services, programs, and courses.

The best part… you get to own your relationship with your audience.

You’re not bound or limited to any algorithm. Instead, you customize the path so that your audience is nurtured and educated with content that will support them on their journey.

They’ve made it very inexpensive to get started with a free account to start creating landing pages to deliver your lead magnets as well as having the ability to send emails to your audience.

You can use the link here to get started with a free Convertkit account.

Quick note: Although Yahoo and Gmail are considered email service providers, these mail services are for personal use only. Emails that you send from your business from an ESP will need the ability to send emails from a professional email address.

For example a business email address will look something like yourname@yourbusiness.com, NOT yourname@gmail.com.

When it comes to sending marketing emails you have to stay compliant with email regulations.

4.  Have an Offer

Have you heard the phrase “the money is in the list”?

Well, I believe this to be true as well, but only if you have an offer to sell to your audience.

If you’re building your list just for the sake of building a list and you aren’t really sure what your offer is yet, you may be attracting the wrong audience until you figure it out.

I believe when it comes to list building, you must start with the end in mind.

If the end goal is to offer your audience a 6-week program that helps them with a desired transformation, you must work backwards by sending content that is aligned with that specific goal.

Your lead magnet should work in tandem with your offer so that it nurtures and educates them prior to you sharing that offer.

You don’t want to have subscribers join your list from your lead magnet then offer them something that’s completely unrelated.

This usually results in high unsubscribe rates and because you’re building a list, you want to keep those your subscribers happy and provide them with relatable content.

5.  Create a Sales Page

After you’ve shared content with your subscribers on how you’re able to support them and they’ve gotten to know you and trust that you are able to support them with their problem or transformation, you can share your offer with a sales page.

A sales page is very similar to the landing pages that I shared with you earlier, except this time, we’re converting our subscribers to buyers once again including the 5 W’s and the H principle.

Your sales page can act as an application page to qualify for a call with you to make sure that you both are fit to work together. It can also be a paid training or course, or even a deposit page for 1:1 support.

There are many creative ways to convert a subscriber and it isn’t a one size fits all. It will depend on your business, so be sure to do what you feel works best for your business and your audience.

I hope this process provided you with a deeper understanding and perspective on how you can get creative with your content to offer a lead magnet to grow your email list. 

Comment below where you are in the process of creating your sales funnel to grow your list!

How to Start Your Online Business

How to Start Your Online Business

Wondering if starting an online business is right for you?

Maybe you’re someone who really wants to help others but you’re not sure of where to get started or even how to get started.

Maybe you’ve seen so many other people doing something similar to what you’re doing but you don’t think that there’s really space for you.

Spoiler alert there’s definitely space for you!

Watch or listen here or continue to read below!

I want to share with you why right now is the best time and the right time for you to start your online business.

My name is Nicole and I help women grow their service-based businesses using my Start, Grow, Scale Method™ so that they can escape the 9 to 5 trap and create a life of freedom and flexibility for themselves and their families by following their purpose and doing work that they absolutely love.

I want to share a little bit about myself and how I started my online business years ago. 

I was on maternity leave and the time started to quickly come around where I needed to go back to work after being on maternity leave after about six weeks.

I had just recently moved to Los Angeles about a year or so before being on maternity leave and I had a new baby that I didn’t want to leave with just anyone because I didn’t know anyone in the new city I had just moved to. 

I also didn’t know of any good daycare facilities, so it didn’t sit right with me to leave my newborn baby with someone that I didn’t know. This was when I made the decision that I needed to stay home with my newborn.  After making that decision I also knew that I needed to find a way to supplement that income from my full-time job, so I started thinking about the skills I already had.

I thought about my experiences from my past in jobs that I could use to help someone who’s building an online business. At the time, I had no idea what helping someone in their online business would even look like.  I began to search Google and jot down what skills I had and things that I’ve picked up along the way.

My goal was to get back into helping attorneys since that’s where a lot of my experience had come from and knew that there were solopreneurs working that may require support from someone that doesn’t require payroll.

I found my niche – solopreneurs in the legal field.

I began reaching out to different attorneys and paralegals to find out what type of support they required and how I could support them.

My online business was born.

Download my free guide: Start Your Online Business Blueprint for deeper strategies to help you turn your passion into profits and start your online business today!

Taking this step made me visible to other people in different niches who were also looking for support. At the time, I had no idea about the online coaching industry, but I began to receive referrals and interest from people contacting me to ask if I could also help them with their coaching business.

I learned about their business and found out what support they required and learned skills that would benefit me when it came to marketing their online coaching programs and courses.

Along the way, I learned what I needed to know about marketing. My business was born because I used my current skills and experiences and received hands-on experience in other women’s online businesses.

I learned the online coaching industry and what it would take to help others with their marketing and began investing in courses that would advance my marketing skills.

I loved how there was an industry that allowed people to create businesses around what they’re passionate about and having the passion to help others create transformation in their lives.

We can’t do this journey on our own when it comes to growing our business so another investment I made was getting support through a coach that would help with development and mindset strategies.

I  wanted to work on myself to help me grow personally and it’s just been so profound fro me personally and also for my business. 

Since starting my business I’ve helped other women with their marketing strategy and their implementation and I want to now share what I’ve learned throughout the years to encourage and help others who are in those initial stages of starting their own business.

My goal is to support them through what they need to boost their business because I remember what it was like to get started.

Here are 3 strategies you can use to quickly move you in the direction of starting your own online business:

#1: Define your unique selling proposition 

These are your unique set of experiences such as things that you’ve learned in your lifetime or skills that you’ve obtained throughout your life. 

Although someone may have a similar experience or similar skills, there’s really no one that can provide something exactly the way that you can, so your unique selling proposition can be used to help someone else get through a place you once were to get them to where you are now.

Earlier I mentioned my own unique selling proposition using my prior skills, experience, and training in the legal field to start my business.

Share with me in the comments your unique selling proposition. I’d love to hear what that is for you.

Your experience and skills allow you to really help those that are just a few steps behind where you currently are and show them a path to get where you are now .

#2: Get support 

Sometimes we hit mental roadblocks because we’re unclear with how to get started. There are also times when technology will stop us, and for others, there’s also times when we’re stopped in our tracks because we get a little caught up in the day-to-day and don’t always accomplish what we intended to do for the day.

Having someone hold you accountable can really serve as a necessary support tool. An accountability partner will sometimes do the trick, and other times you may need to hire a coach to get more support.

Coaches are really great for many different areas of your business. Some coaches will help you get clarity around what you do as well as helping you with your strategy and implementation.

There are also coaches that will help you go beyond the mental blocks and limiting beliefs that we hold that can sometimes show up in our business and stop us from really creating and building the business that we really desire.

#3: Just Start

There’s no time like the time that you have right now. I’ve seen and had first-hand experienced how fear can get in the way of us creating a life that we really desire.  

We think of all the things that could go wrong before we think of all the things that could go right.  We think of everything that other people might say or think about us, but one thing that I’m reminded of is that we get one life to live, so we should live it exactly the way our hearts and dreams desire.

Every business and everyone starts one step at a time putting one foot in front of the other.  Don’t worry about how many followers you may or may not have, how many people will see your content, or how many likes you get.

Give yourself grace and just start!

Take some time today to take your first step to launch your online business.

If this was helpful for you, please share with me in the comments what resonated the most and what you will do to get started this week.

Be love, be kind, and be blessed.

I’m the Best in the World at…

I’m the Best in the World at…

I remember as a little girl, running from the upstairs to the basement on a daily where my father would always hang out. The basement was his playground – where he let all his creativity run wild. 

I remember seeing everything from the pool table to the music equipment, computer parts, and the yellow book of how-tos “for dummies”.

Computers were just becoming this new thing (I feel like my parents right now and their back in the day stories 🥴) and he wanted to be one of the ones that knew about them before everyone else.

He wanted to know what made them work the way they did, what was inside of them, and how did it know how to do exactly what we wanted it to do with the click of a button. I see exactly where I get it from.

Continue on to read or watch here:

I watched him discover all of this on his own. Back then there was no Google or YouTube University (again with the age). He didn’t learn what he knew from a teacher or from the leading experts in the industry. He learned how to build and repair computers from a book.

I was 5 years old with my own computer and my father taught me all about technology. He was so sure that this was going to be the next BIG thing… and he was right.

I remember going to school and showing the teachers how to do things on the computer- 😆!

Who knew this would come full circle and I’d still be “teaching” people how to do things from the computer. 

I also remember creating Powerpoint presentations as book reports and wondered why teachers always thought it was so spectacular. I had no idea then it was because I knew how to do something that they either didn’t know how to do or was probably just learning how to do it. 

So as you can tell, I kind of developed an interest in technology as a child, but I didn’t really know what that meant for me until after years of spending money on college courses that had nothing to do with technology or computers. Hey, we live and we learn right!?

When I started my business in 2016, I found out that I was super interested in learning how to find the missing pieces businesses were missing with their back-end systems.

I wanted to figure out ways that I can create a process for someone’s business using technology and do things that people weren’t really interested in or really didn’t know how to do, but it was super easy for me to figure out – because it always has been. I just didn’t know it.

Almost 30 years later, that little 5 year old girl sitting on her dad’s lap as she watched him build and create things reminded me exactly what I’m the best in the world at.

I’m the best in the world at learning, finding out what pieces to put together, how to make it strategically work, and how to share what I know to help others.

It’s what I love to do and maybe there wasn’t a college course that could have taught me that. Maybe it was the School of Life (or Hard Knocks as Jay Z. says) that I had to learn from to really place me at this exact point in my life so that I can show up for those that are struggling with the very thing that I can support them with.

“You are exactly where you need to be.” 

God definitely works in mysterious ways.

Share with me below what it is that you love to do and why you love to do it. What is it that makes you the best in the world?

We’re all the best in the world at something because everyone has a unique gift, a unique talent, or some type of experience or story that only you have been through.

Whatever it is that you have decided to do and to BE, you are the best in the world at it.

Whatever it is, you are 1 of 1, love. Don’t forget to show up like it! 

3 Steps You Need to Launch Your Online Business

3 Steps You Need to Launch Your Online Business

Funnels can be intimidating to hear.

In fact, the majority of people I’ve talked with about funnels respond with, “it’s complicated and I want no part in it”.

They aren’t interested in learning about how much of a positive impact a funnel can have on their business. I’m telling you right NOW, take a deep breath because what I’m going to tell you will blow your mind.

Truth is… funnels can be as complicated or as easy as you want them to be!

Crazy right!

I want to make it clear that your funnel doesn’t have to be this huge, elaborate, scary monster.

All you really need is an offer.

With this being said, I’m going to break down THREE STEPS that you can use to build your funnel process.

Watch below or continue on to read instead. 

For starters my name is Nicole, I help coaches, consultants and course creators create their marketing and business strategy. I love helping these women tackle their business growth by taking care of the techie side of their job. I do this so that they can then work on creating transformation in other women’s lives using their own specific products and services.

I know how overwhelming tech can be especially if it’s not in your zone of genius. I’m here to tell you that tech is in MY zone of genius.

Let’s get started and get ready to dive deep!

First things first, let’s talk about your OFFER.

To start off, your funnel can lead to pretty much anything, BUT you should always try to have that anything be an OFFER.

You have to know exactly what you’re selling.

So if you still haven’t figured out what exactly you sell or who exactly you sell to, you might not have defined your ideal client. I have an excellent freebie to help you get started with that here. 

For those of you who already know exactly what you sell, I always like to suggest starting with the end in mind.

So when creating an offer start by asking yourself and writing down these questions:

  • What do you want people to do?
  • What do you want people to take from your offer?
  • What are the steps you want people to take?

Once you’ve clearly defined the end goal then you can create a one of a kind offer.

A few examples are:

  • Invitation to a webinar
  • An application to work with you
  • Free book (or e-book)
  • A PDF, guide, checklist or other type of download

Whatever you offer, the most crucial and important thing to keep in mind is that whatever you’ve promised to your customer HAS to be given to them at the end.

When the promise isn’t kept it can lead to a broken funnel and lost trust from your ideal client.

Make sure that everything is in place so that when you do collect a lead you’re actually sending them through your funnel process.

Secondly, let’s dig deep into creating a LANDING PAGE.

A landing page is a webpage where people are going to opt-in to receive your offer.

A landing page helps you keep track of the thing you’re offering and helps you collect leads.

Your landing page will hold all of the juicy details of your one of a kind offer.

Remember in order for people to want to sign up it will have to be something incredibly beneficial in order for them to release their name and email address.

There are several different softwares you can build your landing page on and a couple I can name off the top of my head are, Clickfunnels and Leadpages.

My favorite is Clickfunnels because of the features.

A few of the features I love are the amount of analytics you receive, order forms, and it has payment collection if your offer is a paid offer.

In all reality, you don’t have to use a system like the ones I mentioned. You could just use your website.

The thing about using a landing page builder is that it helps your lead not get distracted and off track of the ultimate goal of where you need them to go.

So if you use your website you have headers at the top where there are different pages, blog links, etc. and people will tend to click on them and it deters them from actually taking the action that you wanted them to take.

Last but not least, tell your new subscribers “Thank you!”

After people opt-in you’ll need to thank them, which ultimately gives you access to them!

The thank-you page and email will let your lead know what to do next to access your free item. 

If your current funnel isn’t sending a thank you email, your funnel is broken, remember we don’t want broken funnels!

There you have it!

It wasn’t as crazy complicated as what you envisioned right?

Now you have the layout of where to start on your funnel.

As always, if it’s still confusing or you’re ready to get your digital products or services out to your ideal clients and customers, yet still feeling overwhelmed, I’m here to help!

I can help you create a marketing strategy and get your business systems in place.

I’m your tech guru!

So if you’re ready to dig in and get into the back end of the business to see how we can create a strategy in the system you currently have in place, or create something new that works for your business, schedule a time to talk here.

I hope this information was beneficial while also helping you and your business prosper.

How to Create the Perfect Lead Magnet for Your Coaching Business

How to Create the Perfect Lead Magnet for Your Coaching Business

Lead magnets are and will continue to be a very important aspect of any business marketing.

Over time, the way that we have used lead magnets have changed, but the strategy still remains the same.

For example, when you go into your favorite clothing store and they ask for your email address to receive that awesome 20% discount on your next purchase, or when you sign up for a free membership at your local furniture store to receive the “special member’s only” price, those are lead magnets.

Seriously, who wouldn’t want that special discount? 

These companies have mastered what it takes for their ideal client to continue to come back for more and continue to shop with them.

To break it down a little further, a lead magnet is usually free, valuable content that solves an immediate challenge that your ideal client is facing in exchange for their email address.  

Why the email list? Well, that answer is simple. With over 6.7 billion people in the world, over half of them are using email. That means, that somewhere within those 3.9 billion people that are using email, your target audience is there.

So the question then becomes, why not email?

When you gather email addresses from people that choose to receive your lead magnet you are getting directly in front of an audience of people that resonate with your brand and how you are able to help them with your products and services.

It’s easy to say that you should have a lead magnet, but it’s knowledge to know why.

You’ve probably heard time and time again, “The money is in the list.” And if you haven’t heard this just phrase just yet, stick around long enough in this online business world and it will come around time and time again.

The thing is, the money IS in the list when you are a business that is selling a service or a product.

When you have a lead magnet that attracts your ideal client, you are creating your own database of people who need what you are offering and you are able to share with them why you are the best person to provide solve that problem.

Notice that I said that you are creating your own database.

This is your list, your people, your offers. You are the owner of that list, not Facebook or Instagram, or any other social media platform that controls the mixture of audiences that see your content.

This is your audience and you control the content that you want to share with them.

If you have been in business for a while or if you are just getting started, it’s never too late to get this system in place for your service-based or product-based business. Having a lead magnet will attract your ideal audience so that you can build your email list.

First, you have to think about your offers and what you can create that solves an immediate challenge for your ideal audience.

Here’s a list of 10 ideas of lead magnets you can use for your coaching business:

  1. Checklist
  2. Template
  3. Swipe File
  4. Case Studies
  5. Toolkit
  6. Workbook
  7. Printables
  8. Spreadsheets
  9. Tutorials
  10. Ebooks

These 10 ideas only scratch the surface of what you can create as your lead magnet. Be creative! You know your audience best, so think about what could best serve them. What can they easily implement and achieve a great result? What content can you provide that your ideal audience will internalize as valuable?

Those are questions that you want to think about when you are creating your lead magnet.

Once you have created your lead magnet, you’ll also need an easy way for people to opt-in to capture their email address and receive that offer.

My recommendation and go-to system is Convertkit. This is a simple, easy to use email marketing platform that does everything from creating high-converting opt-in form and landing pages, organizing your subscribers, and delivering emails with automations that you can create once and let the system do its thang!

You can start with a free Convertkit account to create your landing page and opt-in form so that you can begin your list building using this link here.

Remember to create with your ideal audience in mind. Think about the action and the end goal that you want each person to have after they have gone through your lead magnet.

When you do this your efforts and your marketing become in alignment with each other and it makes it easier for your subscribers to want to further their relationship with you by taking the next step in your business.

Please share your ideas below in the comments as well as your lead magnets. I’d love to see what you create!

**Please note, that there may be affiliate links included in this blog, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I may receive a commission. This helps to support my business and allows me to continue to make free content for you. I only recommend products that I use for my business and my client’s businesses. Thanks so much for your support! 💛


Tools and Resources I Use and Recommend

Tools and Resources I Use and Recommend

Knowing where to begin when starting a business can be a little overwhelming.  I’ve created a list of tools/resources that I use in my business and/or my clients business that work really well.

I’ll continue to add to this list as business grows so that you can be updated on great systems that could benefit you in your business also.

Have any feedback or want to recommend some great tools? Drop a comment below!

Please note, some of these links are affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. This helps support my business and allows me to continue to support yours. I only recommend products that I use and love. Thank you for your support!


Siteground – Buy domains and host your site

WordPress – Design beautiful websites and landing pages

Divi – Easy website builder for WordPress websites

ConvertKit – Email marketing services (Get a free trial!)

Membervault – Host and sell your online courses and digital products

ThriveCart – Easy to use shopping cart system

Clickfunnels – Create landing pages, webinar pages, and more 

Zapier – Simple system integrator

Evernote – Easy note taking with screen shot saver. Syncs across devices.

Blubrry – Podcast hosting for your WordPress website



HoneyBook – Client Management Software for Small Businesses

G-Suites – Send and receive emails with your business email address

Dropbox – Store and share your files and access from your Mac or PC

Asana – Team communication and workspace

LastPass – Securely store and share passwords

Zoom – For video calls

Voxer – Easily communicate via walkie talkie style with clients and team members

Acuity Scheduling – Simple appointment scheduler


Expert Secrets by Russell Brunson – Get Your FREE Copy Of EXPERT SECRETS (only pay for shipping!)

Lead Funnels by Russell Brunson – Build your list of qualified leads and buyers

Network Marketing Secrets by Russell Brunson – Affiliate Commission Breakdown



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Check your email for your guide!



Check your email for your guide!


No crazy tech skills needed!

Get the deets on how you can create a solid online foundation without wasting your time, money, or resources on marketing strategies that simply don’t work.

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